Tag Archives: Bat Removal

The Top 5 Facts About Bats

Bats are interesting animals. We know that certain species of bats can be used in mosquito prevention, as they eat mosquitoes. This type of prevention is environmentally safe since it is completely natural. There are also many stories that originate from rumors and facts about bats. Because of this interesting-facts to know about the night. […]

Fun Facts and Taxonomy of Bats

When people think of bats they usually think of Batman or vampires, or some nasty animal that flies around at night and carry rabies. However, bats consume more than their body weight in insects every night. Also, bats are the only mammal that has ever learned to fly, but instead of using their entire arms […]

How to Remove a Bat from Your House Quickly and Safely

If you see a bat in your house, it probably means that a bat colony has chosen to roost in your attic or fireplace. This is common in older homes and homes along a river or bayou. Bats will also roost in abandoned fireplaces when homeowners jump in with a new furnace. Bats usually make […]

DIY: How to Build Your Own Bat House

Forgetting Hollywood movies about bats around the necks of milking men. Don’t actually do it. Vampire Bat bites discovered in South America foot yikes. (There is no such inconvenience). Some bats eat only fruit, while others prefer worms or other insects. In Bexar County, Texas, we have the Mexican Brown Bat, or “Mosquito Terminator.” Each […]

How to Get Rid of Bats in Your Attic

I once felt a bat flying over my head in a dark hallway – I just pulled my hair back and barely managed to control my scream, so I can’t imagine what it’s like to have a whole colony. They sit in domesticated creatures. I remember that I tried to console myself with the fact […]

How to Get Rid of a Bat Infestation

I got a serious case of the heebie-jeebies when a friend told me his house was infested with bats. I have never been phobic of any animal; The occasional mouse or mouse never sent me running and screaming into the other room. But there is something particularly (if unfairly) creepy about bats. Throughout human history, […]