Tag Archives: Ben Jonson

Quotes About Home Education

“The educational system is not worth much if it teaches young people how to live, but does not teach them how to make a life.” ~ Author Unknown “Education is what remains after one has forgotten what he learned in school.” ~ Albert Einstein “The purpose of education is to prepare young people for a […]

Best William Shakespeare Quotes

The best William Shakespeare quotes are written and repeated to us all the time. William Shakespeare was the greatest author of all time, and his words and phrases remain with us today. What quotes about William Shakespeare’s is the best thing to say. Here, in my opinion, he quotes William Shakespeare best. THE BEST WILLIAM […]

Analysis: Volpone by Ben Jonson

Volpone is the story of five people – Volpone, Mosca, Voltore, Corvino and Corbaccio – who are led into folly by their love of money. As Act One opens, Volpone, a wealthy Venetian, and Mosca, his “parasite,” are talking. Volpone is admiring his store of gold when three visitors arrive in succession. All three are […]

Jonson’s Epitaph to Shakespeare

Much like his contemporaries, Ben Jonson utilized the iambic pentameter, though not in the traditional sonnet form. Within “To the Memory of My Beloved, the Author Mr. William Shakespeare”, Jonson uses couplets to monumentalize the passing of one of the most prolific dramatists of the sixteenth century. While the poem is a testimony to the […]