Canapés are hors d’oeuvres or appetizers that are exceptionally impressive and delicious when properly prepared. They consist of small oval or circular pieces of bread without crusts, and they are topped with tasty embellishments such as whipped cream cheese, shrimp, sliced olives, and countless other taste-tempting toppings. Canapés are very easy to make, especially shrimp […]
Tag Archives: Broiler
Summer is waning and you have an abundance of green chili peppers to harvest from your garden. Or perhaps you came across a deal on green chili peppers at a local farmers’ market that you simply could not resist. Now what do you do with them? Try roasting them yourself! They can then be used […]
London Broil is a cooking technique used to make the tougher cuts of a cow tender. The meat is first marinated for a good length of time, and then broiled and sliced into steaks at 45-degree angle against the grain of the meat. Many meat cutters often label certain cuts of meat London broil. Regardless […]
Some people avoid using the broiler in their oven, and not because of the results they achieve. They do not want to have to clean up the mess. The juices from the meat and the fat bakes onto the broiler pan. It becomes almost impossible to clean, even after soaking for several minutes in hot […]