Tag Archives: Burdock Root

Essiac Herbal Tea: The Cancer Fighting, Body-Purifying Herbal Tea

Herbal remedies have been utilized for thousands of years. The seemingly mystical healing properties of various herbs have supposedly helped to cure all manner of afflictions, as well as strengthen the body and mind. The once common practice of picking or growing herbs and preparing herbal remedies has abated severely, as we can now easily […]

Vitamins that Treat Acne

In Naturopathic medicine, the belief is that acne is caused by imbalances within the body. These imbalances can be mental, physical or spiritual. Physical imbalances include toxicity of the blood and lymph nodes and deficiencies of essential vitamins and minerals. Due to the inadequate American diet, the limited amount of exercise and sleep, and the […]

Edible Roots You Can Find at Your Local Organic Food Store

During the past year, my husband and I have been on a healthy eating binge. As such, we have ventured out and discovered new and interesting foods. We have a local organize health food store, and a very upscale supermarket, that dares to venture out and sell different items. Lately, we have been into trying […]

Tea is a Natural Immune System Booster

As winter approaches and concerns over the H1N1 virus become more prevalent, everyone is looking for ways to boost their natural immune systems so they stand a better chance of not contracting viral and bacterial infections. Tea has long been believed to boost the immune system. Tea appears to contain alkylamines. Germs also contain alkylamines. […]

Essiac Tea Used for Cancer Fighting Properties

Essian tea is a herbal tea blend that has been rapidly growing in popularity among cancer patients. It is not a complete cure, but it can help the immune system to be suspect with detoxification and strengthening of the body’s own natural immunity which is often destroyed by chemo and radiation. It can be used […]