Tag Archives: Calorie Burn

10 Great Low-Calorie Lunch Ideas

When on a diet, Breakfast is the hardest part. Sometimes there are pre-made meals that pack tons of calories, and meals at fast food places can have up to 1000 calories! If you need a good low calorie lunch, keep reading. Now we are going to give you 10 lunch ideas, and how they are […]

Pre-Wedding Diet Plan and Fitness Tips

He just proposed. Congratulations. One of your biggest concerns is looking your best on your wedding day. Eating right and exercising is the best way to help you, your significant other or anyone in your bridal party look your best. Here are some things to remember as you begin. 1) During this stressful time, you […]

I Walk 30 Minutes a Day – Why Can’t I Lose Weight?

This is a very common frustration among those of you who are desperate to lose a few pounds. You sincerely believe that you are doing everything right, but the scale stubbornly refuses to budge. What’s going on? The most common problem is impatience. Some scale watchers start pondering the answer to this one after a […]

Calorie Counting is Key to Diet Success

No matter what diet you want, there is one rule that if you want to lose weight, you can’t break it. You can burn fewer calories than you can in a day. Any diet, from Atkins to South-beach to The Zone to Weight Watchers, is just a tool to design an eating plan but the […]