Tag Archives: Calorie Burning

13 Foods to Promote Weight Loss

The whole world is suffering from obesity. For it is said, “You are what you eat and you are what you think.” Both of these are important in the context of weight loss. The truth about losing weight is about managing calorie intake and calorie expenditure. The whole thing about losing weight is about managing […]

The Most Effective Fat & Calorie Burning Workouts

So you’ve finally joined your local gym and have developed the motivation to shed those pounds. With the loads of different machines available, it may be difficult to decide which equipment is right for you. While any exercise is good exercise and will burn calories, if you are like most Americans, you want the most […]

Energize with Enviga, New Calorie Burning Energy Drink

Whether you’re health conscious, constantly looking for diet and weight loss help or just looking for an easy way to lose weight, Nestle and Coco-Cola have a new carbonated energy drink for the perfect job. Enviga, the love of green tea and sparkling water, is a carbonated green tea energy drink with different fruit flavors […]

I Walk 30 Minutes a Day – Why Can’t I Lose Weight?

This is a very common frustration among those of you who are desperate to lose a few pounds. You sincerely believe that you are doing everything right, but the scale stubbornly refuses to budge. What’s going on? The most common problem is impatience. Some scale watchers start pondering the answer to this one after a […]

Calorie Counting is Key to Diet Success

No matter what diet you want, there is one rule that if you want to lose weight, you can’t break it. You can burn fewer calories than you can in a day. Any diet, from Atkins to South-beach to The Zone to Weight Watchers, is just a tool to design an eating plan but the […]

Hindu Squats – Fast Calorie Burning

What are Hindu squats? Squats are a staple of weight lifting strength building routines for the lower body. Hindu squats are a similar exercise movement done without barbells and using your body weight along with synchronized breathing at a fast tempo. This enhances endurance and strengthens the lungs, chest and lower back as well as […]