Tag Archives: Cat Pregnancy

Top 4 Domesticated Spotted Cat Breeds

Animal lovers have always adored and respected spotted cats. From leopards and jaguars to margays and servals, wild cats with spots or rosettes have always captured hearts. Unfortunately for these wild cats and their progeny, far too many cat owners crossbreed domestic cats with their wild cousins, leading to the development of spotted wild cat […]

Pregnancy: The Nesting Syndrome

Women everywhere who are pregnant have felt nesting syndrome take over their bodies. Nesting syndrome can occur at any time during pregnancy, but it often occurs between the 5th and 9th month of giving birth. It’s the first instinct, but many pregnant women can look a little crazy when they are caught in the syndrome. […]

Hunting Feral Cats: Should It Be Legalized?

The definition of a feral cat is basically a wild cat. It has usually never been touched by human hands, is born in the wild, and hunts small prey to survive. Small prey includes birds, lizards, mice, rats and baby rabbits. Any animal small enough that doesn’t stand much of a fighting chance the cat […]