Tag Archives: Cervical Cancer

Cervical Cancer: Prevention, Cures, and Causes

One of the worst feelings is getting the call from your doctor saying that your Pap smear came back abnormal and that you have been diagnosed with cervical cancer. Many women often feel confused and scared, not knowing if this could be something fixed, or something that could be incurable. Although many doctors can catch […]

Does Circumcision Prevent Cervical Cancer?

It is one of the many myths floating around about circumcision, that males who are not circumcised have a greater risk of spreading sexually transmitted diseases and that their partners have a grater chance of having cervical cancer. But is it true, or just another medical myth? With HPV and cervical cancer making news lately […]

Stages of Cervical Cancer: Carcinoma in Situ to Advanced Cancer

More than 3,500 American women will die this year from cervical cancer, according to an estimate by the American Cancer Society. Three times that many will be diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer, and many more will be diagnosed with non-invasive cervical cancer. A huge number of lives are touched by this disease, and chances are […]

Where to Get a Free Cervical Cancer Screening Test in the United States

Cervical cancer is often on the minds of many women. New research data is being released every day on treatments, causes, and – more importantly – prevention. Because testing and screening women has become so important in the prevention of cervical cancer, many organizations and government agencies now offer free screenings to low-income or other […]

Rare Types of Cervical Cancer

While there are many rare forms of cancer of the cervix, the vast majority of cervical cancer cases are found on the epithelium. These are the cells that are on the surface of the cervix and cover the connective tissue that comprises the bulk of the cervix. Cancer of the epithelial cells, while being most […]