Tag Archives: Cheese Soup

Kindergarten Birthday Games, Food, and Activities

When your kindergartner celebrates a birthday, make that birthday party extra special with friends, food, and fun and activities especially for kindergartners. Birthday party games and activities for kindergartners don’t have to be extravagant, and the food should be fun and easy. If your kind will be in birthday friend and invite Until you have […]

Atkins Diet Recipes: Bacon Cheddar Cheese Soup to Quesadillas

The theory behind Atkins recipes is carbohydrate control, or “proactive nutrition”. There are five core principles for dieting or cooking with Atkins. The first is high protein that eats and repairs muscles and bones as well as boosts metabolism. The second is high fiber, which suppresses appetite, regulates blood sugar, and aids digestion. The third […]

Product Review: Campbell’s Broccoli Cheese Condensed Soup

Campbell’s is a classic, no doubt, but I’m more used to tomato and chicken noodle soup. So Campbell’s Broccoli Condensed Cheese Soup was a bit of a walk on the wild side for me, as far as soup can be considered dangerous. Campbell’s standard cheese comes in a 10.75 oz. it can also be priced […]