Tag Archives: Childhood Illnesses

Homemade Cures for Children with the Chicken Pox Virus

Statistics & Things In Chicken Pox Chicken Pox infects approximately three million children under the age of 15 each year. An infected child is contagious for a day or two before the rash appears and remains contagious until all the lesions have dried, which takes about five days. Children between the ages of twelve months […]

Roseola: Viral Infection Often Confused with Measles

As a mildly contagious virus, roseola, also known as the Three Day Fever, is becoming increasingly prevalent among toddlers and children attending day care, pre-school and, in rare cases, primary education. Without significant heath complications, roseola, at its worst, is a nuisance to parents in that it results in loss days from work and loss […]

Skin Disorders in Children: When to Seek Medical Treatment and When you Should Just Relax

Each and every day, parents across the United States are missing time from work and school due to everyday childhood illnesses, often not requiring medical attention. For some parents, however, the presence of a seemingly dermatological condition often results in a visit to the pediatrician’s office where, many times, the condition is not something that […]