Tag Archives: Chromium

Doctor’s Analysis: Chromium Picolinate Safety

It seems that almost everyone takes some sort of nutritional supplement these days. When asked, many people admit they do it as a cheap insurance policy reasoning that it can’t hurt and it just might help them lose weight or prevent disease. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Some supplements have fallen under scrutiny for […]

Vitamins that May Help Weight Loss

Losing weight is a challenge for most of us. It’s widely understood that it takes a reduction in food intake in addition to exercise to reduce that number on the scale. It is also believed that certain vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids may play a role in losing weight. When thinking of your body, […]

The Importance of Chromium in Human Health

According to the USDA, only one in ten Americans gets even the minimum recommended daily amount of 50 micrograms (mcg.) of chromium. The problem is often worsened by the fact that both exercise and high sugar consumption increase the body’s need for chromium. Chromium deficiency can cause serious problems related to weight management, energy and […]

Vitamins that Treat Acne

In Naturopathic medicine, the belief is that acne is caused by imbalances within the body. These imbalances can be mental, physical or spiritual. Physical imbalances include toxicity of the blood and lymph nodes and deficiencies of essential vitamins and minerals. Due to the inadequate American diet, the limited amount of exercise and sleep, and the […]

Alternative Ways to Treat Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Chromium Picolinate and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Attention woman suffering with Polycystic ovarian syndrome a.k.a: P.C.O.S. Well let me first tell you I am not a Doctor, but I do suffer from P.C.O.S. I was diagnosed when I was seventeen years old. Which at the time the Doctors couldn’t tell me much about the condition. Although […]