Tag Archives: Conduct Disorder

Teaching Students with Conduct Disorders

For 15 years I have worked with adolescent students who have emotional or behavioral disorders; The most common mental diagnosis I encountered was disorder. Students with conduct disorder are often highly volatile and exhibit persistent antisocial offending. This usually involves student behavior: cruelty to others (can include animals); rego-rum; theft; lying and / or manipulation […]

Treatment Options for the Kleptomania Child

Kleptomania is a psychological condition which affects millions of Americans. For many, the urge to steal or participate in theft related activities, is often a chronic and debilitating psychological condition which leads to charges of criminal offense with society labeling the individual as common criminal. For parents, struggling to raise a child with kleptomania is […]

Developmental Delay and ADHD

Developmental Delay and ADHD Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is described as the most common neurobehavioral condition of childhood. There is evidence that ADHD is not a disease but rather a group of symptoms representing a behavioral pathway for a range of psychological, emotional, and learning problems (Furman 2006). Some research has indicated that children with […]

Atypical Behaviors in Childhood

There are three types of atypicals in childhood: attention problems, internalizing problems, and externalizing problems. Attention problems are problems that limit a child’s ability to work. (Bee and Boyd, 2004, 422). By this I do not mean outside influences which hinder the child’s ability, but internal disturbances. ADD, ADHD, and Conduct Disorders are all attention […]

Early Onset Childhood Conduct Disorders

Identifying early onset conduct disorders in children can be difficult. For many of us parents there is a fine line between a behavioral problem and a simple childhood phase. Identifying a conduct disorder early can save your child from more disorders in adulthood. Once we understand the issue, identify the causes, and seek treatment, the […]