Tag Archives: Dadaism

The State of Art After World War I

Throughout history there have always been moments when the foundations and basis of common trends shatter and a shift in style occurs in the world of art. The reasons for such changes range from revolutionary new ways of introducing application of art to how the style is applied. During the settling period after World War […]

The Effects of Nihilism on Society

Nihilism, essentially the belief that life has no meaning, has a great deal of potential to negatively affect society. When nihilism has a strong hold on a given society, it typically causes the destruction of the arts, the erosion of moral values, suicidal tendencies, and the destruction of any desire to improve society through progress […]

E. E. Cummings

Edward Estlin Cummings is probably one of the best-known authors of experimental poetry of the century. He wrote in a wonderful style and completely disregarded the rules of conventional poetry, generally in Latin. This is what draws most people to poetry. But poetry was not all he did in his life. He worked as part […]