Tag Archives: Disposable Diapers

Best Disposable Diaper Alternatives

Environmentally friendly diaper choices have come a long way since even one generation ago! We now have more choices than ever to keep environmentally harmful disposable diapers out of landfills while still having the convenience posed by disposable diapers. There are many disposable diaper alternatives from gDiapers to more advanced cloth options, which have come […]

Are Disposable Diapers Safe? The Real Unbiased Facts

There’s a great deal of debate between cloth diaper and disposable diapers. As a mother who has made the personal choice to use disposable diapers I was a bit insulted when cloth using parents suggested I was harming my baby’s health. I set out to make this an unbiased look at the health issues associated […]

Cloth Diapers: A Good Alternative to Disposable Diapers

The majority of parents today use disposable diapers. It is almost a given in our society that your life will be filled with runs to the grocery store to pick up another batch of diapers. Then, the baby will do its business in each diaper, and off they go into the trash can, never to […]

The Truth About Disposable Diapers

Being natural and organic is an important thing in today’s society. Many are still not doing it though. With babies, it is even more important. Babies are much more susceptible to the toxic effects of air pollutions. Babies breathe in more air per pound of body weight than an adult does. This is why they […]