Tag Archives: Drought Resistant

The “Perfect” House Plant- Mother in Laws Tongue

This hardy low maintenance plant is one of the easiest house plants to have in your home. Its extremely low maintenance and sturdy-so that even absent or forgetful caretakers can still do well with this house plant. Known by the names- snake plant, sword plant or mother in laws tongue this is a popular house […]

Tough, Drought-Resistant, Fragrant Flowering Shrubs

I love the spring time, when the bushes are blooming. Some flowers are fragrant, others bright spots in your landscape. Here is a list of some winter shrubs that will grow in zone 4. Here is an easy to care list of winter shrubs that need little, if any care. Lilac The most common color […]

How to Choose Drought-Resistant Flowers

This year, spring cleanup started before season arrived. Many people are wondering what the growing season will be like this year. Will there be abundant rain, or drought, hot temperatures, or seasonable. When planting a garden, it’s best to think the weather will be the worst, and be pleasantly surprised when it turns out nice. […]

Don’t Leave Drought Resistant Grass to Chance

Can you see your footprints on your lawn? That’s not good. It’s a sign that your herb needs a drink. But why do some plants do better than others in drought conditions? Well, there are several reasons why homeowners prefer drought resistant grass. It all starts with growing the right grass for your area. For […]