Tag Archives: Drug Withdrawal

The Stages that Can Lead to Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is the biggest drug addiction in our country. And although it is legal it still has its negative affects on those who abuse it. Alcohol addiction goes through several stages before the person becomes a full-blown alcoholic. Society’s acceptance of alcohol is part of the problem. Teenagers are made aware that drinking alcohol […]

Interesting Facts About Sneezing

Spring is probably my favorite season. I love the cool, sunny days. I love seeing the flowers, shrubs and trees bloom to life again. Unfortunately, my nose doesn’t share in the joy. I’m allergic to grass, pollen and mold spores, among other things. So, along with spring comes a stuffy nose, watery eyes and sneezing. […]

Elica 0.1% (Mometasone Furoate)

Next Tuesday my sister returned to the Capitol to have her leg pressed. A week before, she was operated on as possibly having “bukol” carcinoma. Fortunately, the biopsy dismissed the fear. The “bukol” seems to be from her sensitive skin reaction to a wart or mosquito bite. After a week of waiting for the sutures […]

Is GHB an Addictive Drug?

Gamma-hydroxybutyrate, or GHB, is a drug that has various effects on its addicts. Euphoria creates a feeling of euphoria that attracts euphoria. Other users are drawn to GHB’s sedative qualities. It also has a body building effect as an anabolic drug (by chemically increasing muscles and reducing fat. Like any other illegal drug, GHB costs […]