Tag Archives: Easy Ways to Lose Weight

5 Easy Ways to Lose Weight for Free

We’ve all seen diet commercials, monthly fee programs, diet books, weight loss pills, health club memberships, and expensive exercise equipment. The good news is, you don’t have to be lucky to lose weight, you can lose weight for free! Your goal is to slim your waistline – not your wallet! By making just 5 simple […]

5 Easy Steps to Lose Weight Fast

While I can’t promise you that following these steps will turn your body into Baywatch perfection, I can assure you that you’ll drop a few extra pounds in just a couple of weeks. 5. Sleep– Few people know just how important sleep is for their body and mind. Some people stay up late even though […]

5 Easy Ways to Lose Weight This Summer

There are an endless number of “lose weight fast” fad diets. Most of these diets promise weight loss through pills, magic potions, or tricks through starvation. In fact, most fad diets don’t work, and often leave dieters less healthy than before. There are many ways to lose a few extra pounds without drastic changes. By […]

Cheap, Quick and Easy Ways to Lose Weight

The first key to weightloss is understanding a few basic concepts. A pound is equal to 3500 calories. Weightloss can be simplified as math, you eat more than you burn you will gain, you eat less you will lose. However calories from different sources do vary and will help your body in different ways. Both […]