Tag Archives: Educational Theories

John Dewey – Lev Vygotsky :Comparison of Educational Theories

John Dewey and Lev Vygotsky had different ideas on human thought but in many ways their ideas came to the same outcomes in education. Dewey’s ideas on thought were based on instrumentalism and he focused his educational ideas on this. On the other hand Vygotsky’s educational ideas revolved around Marxist social ideas. These ideas might […]

Constructivist and Behaviorist Philosophies Are Beneficial in the Classroom

There are many different philosophies on education, and many people focus on one philosophy or another, but as a teacher I believe it is important to make use of both constructivist and behaviorist philosophies. My personal philosophy on educational practices embodies and incorporates behaviorist and constructivist philosophies, and I believe both of these philosophies can […]

My Teaching Philosophy – What is Teaching Really All About?

Teaching is a profession that can yield something amazing when the right ideas and beliefs are implemented in the classroom. I have many ideas and opinions about teaching. Some of these beliefs I’ve held for a very long time, but some have come about through educational experiences I’ve had over the years. The following are […]