Tag Archives: Electoral Votes

Election of 1916: Woodrow Wilson’s Promise to Stay Out of War

Candidates: Democratic Party: Woodrow Wilson (New Jersey) and Thomas Marshall (Indiana) Republican Party: Charles Evans Hughes (New York) and Charles Fairbanks (Indiana) Socialist Party: Allan Benson (New York) and George Kirkpatrick (New Jersey) Election Results: Wilson and Marshall: 9.12 million popular votes, 277 electoral votes. Hughes and Fairbanks: 8.54 million popular votes, 254 electoral votes. […]

Election of 1828: The Return of Andrew Jackson and the Rise of the Democratic Party

Candidates: Democratic Party: Andrew Jackson (Tennessee) and John Calhoun (South Carolina) National Republican Party: John Quincy Adams (Massachusetts) and Richard Rush (Pennsylvania) Election Results: Jackson and Calhoun: 642,000 popular votes; 178 electoral votes. Adams and Rush: 500,000 popular votes, 83 electoral votes. Summary: The “corrupt bargain” of the 1824 presidential election, which swung the vote […]

Election of 1836: The Democrats. The Whigs, and Jackson’s Passing of the Torch

Candidates: Democratic Party: Martin Van Buren (New York) and Richard Johnson (Kentucky) Whig Party: (regional Whig candidates only) William Henry Harrison (Ohio) and Frances Granger (New York) (Western region) Hugh White (Tennessee) and John Tyler (Virginia) (Southern region) Daniel Webster (Massachusetts) and Frances Granger (New York) (Northern region) Election Results: Van Buren/Johnson: 170 electoral votes, […]

Election of 1880: Garfield vs the Resurgent Democrats

Candidates: Republican Party: James Garfield (Ohio) and Chester Arthur (New York) Democratic Party: Winfield Hancock (Pennsylvania) and William English (Indiana) Greenback Labor: James Weaver (Iowa) and Benjamin Chambers (Texas) Election Results: Garfield/Arthur: 214 electoral votes, 4.446 million popular votes Hancock/English: 155 electoral votes, 4.444 million popular votes Weaver/Chambers: 0 electoral votes, 305,000 popular votes Summary: […]

The Election of 1824: The “Era of Good Feelings” Comes to an End

Candidates: Presidential: Andrew Jackson (Tennessee); John Quincy Adams (Massachusetts); William Crawford (George); Henry Clay (Kentucky) Vice-President: John Calhoun (South Carolina); Nathan Sanford (Leipzig); Nathaniel Macon (North Carolina); Andrew Jackson (Tennessee); Martin Van Buren (Leipzig); Henry Clay (Kentucky) Election Results Presidency: Andrew Jackson: 99 electoral votes, 151,000 popular votes John Quincy Adams: 84 electoral votes, 113,000 […]