Tag Archives: Emergency Rooms

Maybe Mitt Romney’s E.R. Health Care Policy Isn’t so Bad

COMMENTARY | When Mitt Romney announced that we could repeal Obamacare because emergency rooms would save someone from dying, people like me figured Romney had made yet another blunder. But this is because we have a lot of stories about America’s emergency rooms. A closer look at the images of many of these stories. On […]

Alcoholic or Alcohol Abuser: What’s the Difference?

Alcoholism and alcohol abuse are two very different things. The definition of an alcoholic is someone who has a physical dependency to alcohol. Alcohol is always, by necessity, present in the bloodstream. Much the same as a smoker’s need for nicotine or a heroin user’s need for the next fix, it is an addiction. Alcoholics […]

The Pros and Cons of Being an Emergency Room Doctor

One of the most important decisions a medical student can make is his or her specialty. In fact, many students begin thinking about this long before they even reach medical school. In recent years, emergency medicine has become a very popular choice. This can be attributed to many factors, one of which is most certainly […]