Tag Archives: Endangered Animals

Wildlife Conservation: 10 Ways You Can Help

Protecting the environment should be our first priority. Not only does the well being of the planet and its animals rely on it, we do to. Whether people realize it or not, everything is connected, and if species and natural habitats die out, are poached, or cut down, everyone and everything suffers. Hundreds of species […]

Endangered Species: Giant Panda

The giant panda is probably the most popular animal on earth. It is known worldwide as the symbol of conservation. The sad fact is though that the giant panda still remains one of the most endangered animals on the planet. The giant panda, with it’s black and white coat and black eye patches is easily […]

5 Ways to Help Endangered Invertebrates

When you think of endangered animals, what is proposed? Odds are good that you are conceiving an exotic, beautiful mammal such as a giant panda, a Siberian tiger, or an Indian elephant. But among these visually stunning icons of the natural world, they overlook thousands of endangered animals. Invertebrates, such as insects, molluscs, crustaceans, and […]

Top 10 Endangered Animals

Animals become endangered for many factors. It can involve habitats and their environment. With our planet continually changing, animals habitats are often modified. This is not always for the better. Depending on the time frame animals can either adjust or not. If changes happen fast then the animal does not have time to adjust. Other […]

Attention for Charismatic Endangered Animals Hurts More Important Species

When you think of endangered species that urgently need to be protected, a myriad of creatures are likely to spring to mind. Perhaps you think of the polar bear, the Siberian tiger, or the giant panda. These large, attractive animals, called “charismatic megafauna,” are used widely by the environmentalist movement to promote the conservation of […]

Jungle Jack: My Wild Life by Jack Hanna

Jungle Jack: My Wild Life is a book by Jack Hanna and is his autobiography about his life from childhood to the Director of the Columbus Zoo and beyond. He has spent his life trying to get the news about animals out to the people and the world, telling about conservation and the endangered animals. […]

San Joaquin Kit Fox Facts

The San Joaquin kit fox, vulpes macroitis mutica, is the largest kit fox subspecies. They measure around 20 inches (50.8 centimeters) long, stand 12 inches (30.5 centimeters) tall at the shoulders, and weigh about 5 pounds (2.2 kilograms). Depending on the season, their fur coats can be tan, yellowish-grey (summer coat) or a silvery-grey (winter). […]