Tag Archives: Exercise Routines

Diet and Exercise to Get Ripped

According to the Mayo Clinic, weight loss is achieved by limiting the amount of calories that are consumed and increasing the amount of physical activity that is performed throughout the day. To maintain weight loss, daily routines as well as a moderate diet must be implemented. While it is physical activity that actually burns calories […]

Muscle Toning: Tighten Butt with This Exercise Routine

There are many exercise routines for getting a tighter, sexier butt. But one type of exercise routine is great for getting a toned sexy butt, and you should make it part of your weight training exercises: one-legged glute muscle exercises. If you have a flat or flabby butt, find a plyometric stool at your gym. […]

Simple Exercises & Routines for Reducing Body Fat in Thighs

Spot reduction (localized fat burning) can happen with the right exercise routines. If your exercise routines include these body fat reduction drills, you will experience localized fat burning in your trouble spots, like thighs (leg exercises). I will explain how to burn fat in your thunder thighs. You must be willing to commit to simple, […]

Workouts for Beginners and Couch Potatoes

When it comes to establishing an exercise program, getting started is the hardest part. And since most people dread the idea of “exercising”, ranking it right up there with a dentist appointment, it’s important that beginners start a routine that doesn’t knock them out of the game after one workout. Often, when a couch potatoe […]

Weight Lifting Gloves: Pros and Cons for Weight Lifting Routines

Weight lifting gloves are a common item among fitness fanatics who do weight lifting workouts. Men and women wear weight lifting gloves; but the main users of weight lifting gloves are women, by far. Two reasons why women weight lifting wear gloves often come to mind. Weight lifting gloves to prevent calluses on the palms […]

Circuit Training Vs. Traditional Weight Training

Circuit training, especially for fat loss, has grown in popularity, while traditional weight training has been used by many men and women looking for fat loss. What kind of training is the circuit? Is circuit training really better than traditional weight training for burning fat? Is it a training circuit gimmick? Is circuit training really […]