Tag Archives: Fear of Dogs

Extinguishing Your Fears: A Classical Conditioning Approach

For those of you who are Star Trek fans like me you might well remember an episode entitled “The Thaw” where the starship Voyager receives a distress call from an unknown settlement and responds. When Voyager arrives, the crew sees remnants of an environmental catastrophe on the planet’s surface and begins to investigate. They soon […]

Fear of Dogs: How to Overcome Cynophobia

Do you suffer from cynophobia? Although it sounds like a mouthful, cynophobia is simply a clinical term for the fear of dogs. This problem is not uncommon and can be a source of significant discomfort for those who suffer from it since the love of dogs is so firmly ingrained in our society. Often a […]

Analyzing Saki’s the Open Window

“The Open Window” by Saki is a “slice-of-life” story of irony that is typical of Saki. The narrative of Saki’s stories are masterfully crafted to invoke a sense of British charm. Many of his characters are blunt, yet charmingly witty. As we will see through the analysis of the plot, this story is a striking […]