Tag Archives: Friendships

Fun Email Survey Questions to Copy and Paste

I think the cookie survey questions are fun. the reason is that they enjoy talking about themselves, and knowing things little known about others. Email addresses provide a sample of both. Forget about sending survey emails that ask whether the recipient has been to Africa or toilet paper, or whether or not the sender is […]

Bag Balm: What’s it Doing on Your Friend’s Coffee Table?

You visit your friend to congratulate her on the birth of her new baby and you see a green square can setting on her coffee table. On the lid is a drawing of a cow’s head surrounded by red clover. You pick it up and read “Bag Balm.” It’s used on cow’s udders and teats […]

Tips for the New Guitar Player

Learning to play guitar in the beginning can be a daunting task. Learning the fundamentals of music, making some physical adjustments, being kind to someone who asks you to play “Stairway”, whatever style can make a start to the life of a guitarist easily unaccustomed to at first. There is still hope for you. Here […]

An Immigrant’s Adjustment to American Life

America is a dream of almost all people in the world. Many would like to come and live here because they want to experience the American way of living. They heard about the good life that America has to offer to everyone who comes and this impression overwhelmed their hearts’ desire to migrate for greener […]

Summary: Number the Stars by Lois Lowry

Number The Stars is about a girl named Annemarie Johansen. Annemarie lives in city of Copenhagen, Denmark, and in September 1943, the third year since the Nazi’s took over Denmark. Annemarie’s best friend is Ellen, who is Jewish, and is facing though times. One day, the girls stopped by soldiers on their way home from […]

How to Comfort a Friend After the Death of Someone Close

Your friend just received the shocking news that her cousin died suddenly in a car accident. She and her cousin were very close and she is devastated. You just found out about the accident, and you really want to help him through his pain, but you feel helpless. It is true that you have not […]

20 Family Trivia Questions for Opportunity Knocks

If I were JD Roth, host of the new series, Opportunity Knocks, I would arm myself with these 20 questions to ask the average family. I chose these key questions for two reasons. They are one of the stories that everyone in the family has heard a million times and married hundreds of millions of […]

100 Ways to Save Money in Tough Economic Times

1. Stop the behavior. Have a family meeting and agree to give up one bad financial habit for one month. Whether it’s nicotine, snacks, sodas, DVD rentals, or whatever household items take up budgets that can be cut out. So figure out how much this will save your family and you will have a prize […]