Tag Archives: Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The Different Types of Short Fiction

Maybe you’ve considered two types of stories: a parable and modern realistic short stories. But short fiction comes in more than these two varieties. Other popular forms we might know include fairy tales and mystery stories, science fiction stories, and popular romance. While we need not rehearse all of short fiction’s various guises, it will […]

Ernest Hemingway Facts and Quotes

Ernest Miller Hemingway was one of the most famous and influential novelists and short story writers of the twentieth century. He was born on the 21st of July in 1899 to a doctor, Edmonds Hemingway, and a singer, Grace Hall Hemingway. He published about 15 books during his lifetime and created his own unique and […]

Interview with Gabriel Garcia Marquez

From the interview with Gabriel Garcia Marques, I learned a great deal of information regarding Marquez’ profession, political views and superstitions. Marquez possessed very liberal political beliefs which stem from his grandfather, who had rebellious beliefs and didn’t believe in upholding the order. His grandfather told him real gory war stories instead of fictional fantasy […]

Analysis of Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The modern novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold mirrors the title with the content inside the novel. Gabriel Garcia Marquez italicizes the words “Fatality makes us invisible” near the end of the novel (113). These words summarize the story and ultimately the fate of one of the main characters, Santiago Nasar. We follow Nasar thru […]

Must Read Books in the Magical Realism Genre

At the dawn of the 20th Century a few very brilliant minds were hard at work defining and crafting an entirely new genre of literature, one that looked beyond the realities of our lives and took into accounts the works of up and coming philosophers of the time. Writers like Kafka and later Borges developed […]

Cultural Beliefs of Latin America Portrayed in Chronicle of a Death Foretold

Cultural beliefs are unique to regions, locations and populations in the world. In Latin America, where the story takes place, there are numerous cultural beliefs, traditions and rituals from the Catholic religion to the roles of the family in a household. Chronicle of a Death Foretold contains deeply rooted cultural belief of machismo that is […]