Tag Archives: Geico

Series Premiere: ABC’s “Cavemen”

Even the most popular commercial spokespeople grow tiresome after a while, but ABC forgets that important lesson with the less-than-evolved sitcom “Cavemen.” This half-hour show could easily make the sitcom an endangered species. “Cavemen” is based, of course, on the Geico Car Insurance Ads For the last few years, Geico has been running an interrelated […]

Geico Insurance Beats the Rest

Television commercials touting the benefits of switching to Geico for your insurance needs are prevalent. Their current television commercials use the statement “It’s so easy even a caveman can use it.” Insurance companies seem to offer the same products on a slightly different price scale. Each state has its own liability requirements. I do not […]

How Good is the Firestone Warranty?

So I blew a tire the other day. A Firestone tire; installed by trained, competent Firestone technicians. Backed by the iron-clad Firestone warranty. We drive on these Firestone tires enough; I’m not going to argue that point; but we’d just gotten an oil change very recently (within the last five hundred miles) and with that […]

The Hypocrisy of Corporate Sponsors Leaving Rush Limbaugh

In the wake of Rush Limbaugh’s disparaging Sandra Fluke’s character, over nine corporations have decided to pull their ads from Rush Limbaugh’s radio show. If we recall, Limbaugh commented on Sandra Fluke’s appearance before Congress to weigh in on the need for health insurers to cover contraceptives for women. Rush’s now infamous comment is as […]

Comparison of Progressive, Geico, and State Farm Car Insurance

If you own a T.V. you have probably seen the recent barrage of car insurance commercials. Three major companies are all competing for your car insurance dollars. State Farm Insurance has limited online resources, but promises you a local car insurance agent that will gleefully abandon his or her personal life to bring you donuts, […]

Interview with a Geico Caveman: Taking the Hair (and Protruding Brow) Off the Neanderthal Pitchman

By now you’ve seen those famous neanderthals. The surly-looking bunch with protruding brows and mangy hairstyles combed into place with rocks. Authentically Pleistocene from the neck up, their clothes and lifestyles project a more modern and hip sensibility. They’re the Geico Cavemen. Typical urban thirty-somethings. Indistinguishable from their modern peers were it not for those […]

Creativity with Stereotypes: GEICO Insurance Commercial

GEICO Auto Insurance devised a series of cavemen commercials. One commercial advertisement that aired in September 2006 contained no dialogue, but used music, advertisements and a twist on the cavemen stereotype within the advertisement to sell the product. Three cavemen commercials by GEICO aired in 2004, but after two years of cavemen absence, GEICO decided […]

Little Known Facts About GEICO Insurance Company

My friend Jen said she refused to call an insurance company that had a gecko for its spokes- um, lizard. When GEICO insurance company came up with the cavemen ads, she still wasn’t impressed. Jen thinks the commercials are “cheesy”. And, only a “rinky dink” company would use such “low budget” advertising. Obviously, not everyone […]