Tag Archives: Getting Pregnant

The Best Time to Get Pregnant

You and your significant other have decided it’s time to have a baby. Unfortunately, missing a baby doesn’t always result in pregnancy any faster. A woman only has two or three fertile days in each month. This only provides a small window of opportunity to become pregnant. Learning to understand your body and its monthly […]

9 Signs You Might Be Pregnant

Are you in a committed relationship and trying to get pregnant? Do you think you or your lover might be pregnant, but you don’t know for sure? Are you looking for information about the most common pregnancy symptoms? As someone who has completed a pregnancy with a spouse, I feel it is important to educate […]

Are You Thinking of Getting Pregnant?

Do you have baby brain? Are you considering getting pregnant? Here are some things you need to start doing now to increase your chances of getting pregnant and to help ensure that you have a healthy pregnancy. The first thing you need to do is go off the pill. You should consider stopping the use […]

Want a Baby? Tips for Increasing Your Fertility and Chances of Becoming Pregnant

Stop birth control Birth control in whatever form significantly reduces your chances of becoming pregnant so whatever it is you’re using, stop it now. If you’re one of the really fertile ones, you can begin ovulating during the first few months after you stop. You may also have to deal with certain irregularities in your […]

Common Old Wives Tales, Myths and Superstitions About Conceiving

Old Wives Tales have been around for as long as humans have walked the earth. They are even mentioned in the Bible. I Timothy 4:7a says, “But refuse profane and old wives’ fables… (King James Bible) The term wives as used here refers to women as opposed to a married woman. The usage comes from […]

Top 5 Best Ways to Get Pregnant

** Previously published on Bestcovery It seems unfair that some women can get pregnant just by looking at a baby (or at least that’s how it seems!), and others have to research and study the best ways to get pregnant in order to conceive. Even if you’ve been trying to get pregnant for some time […]

Can Cough Syrup Help You Get Pregnant?

When it comes to getting pregnant, most women will try just about anything to fulfill their dream of having a baby. After trying to conceive for several months and getting a negative pregnancy test month and after month, women may be surprised that cough syrup can help them get pregnant. There are certain conditions in […]