Tag Archives: Grammatical Errors

3 Great Online Grammar Checkers

When writing large documents – whether it’s web content, newsletters, print articles or books – it’s important to always double check your grammar. There is nothing that looks more unfortunate than being content with many mistakes. It is true that, sometimes, errors are published and published by irreproachable people, but it is ideal to try […]

Critiquing Your Peer’s Essay

According to the American Heritage Dictionary, the definition of critique as a verb is “to review or discuss critically.” (2000). Everything can be critiqued. We critique things without realizing it every day, such as the way a person is dressed, a movie we just watched, another person’s driving, etc. In this article, the definition of […]

Common Grammatical Errors in Student Compositions

When I was an English teacher, I encountered my share of grammatical errors in composing papers. Many writers make mistakes, but it is important to know what the mistakes are so that you can correct them with the necessary proof. Here is a list of some common mistakes in writing grammatical errors and how you […]

The Importance of Proofreading One’s Work

One of the surest ways to look unprofessional and miss out on writing opportunities is to forget to proofread your work. You can be the most prolific writer in the world, but if you send out work that is filled with typos, misspellings and grammatical errors nobody will ever get the chance to realize it. […]

Setting Up Microsoft Office’s Grammar and Spell Checkers

I’ve used various versions of Microsoft Word over the years and even taught a few classes at Microsoft’s office locally. People in general do not use the full capacity of the word, because they simply do not know that it exists. The goal within this article is to help you turn your word version into […]

Common Spelling and Grammar Mistakes

As a previous spelling bee I personally find incorrect spelling and grammar annoying (as would any potential employer considering you for a job I might add). In a world of TTYL, LOL and OMG, I think perhaps proper spelling and grammar has been regarded as less important than trendy abbreviations. Not to worry, help is […]