Tag Archives: Grilling Chicken

Have a Healthy Barbecue: How to Make Your Next BBQ Healthier and Safer

Some health scares: even if you do everything right, barbecue food can make you sick. Barbecue, recent research has found, can create carcinogens in high enough quantities to have a real impact on your health. Now I have no intention of skipping the barbecue at noon. It’s just not going to happen. So for me, […]

Popular Sauces Used in Asian Cuisine

To an eager amateur chef dabbling in the area of Asian cuisine, the aisles of an Asian supermarket are cause for both childlike excitement and zombie-like confusion. Many of these strange and wondrous foods from a far off land are blatantly unfamiliar, and many packages contain descriptions written only in an Asian language. All we […]

How to Grill the Perfect Boneless Chicken Breast: It’s Grilling Time

It’s grilling season, and that means it’s time to find out how to grill the perfect boneless and skinless chicken breast. Chicken can be very tricky on the grill, so here are some tips. Key areas to concentrate on when preparing to grill the perfect chicken breast include chicken breast selection for the grill, marinading […]

KFC Offers Healthier Chicken Choice

Well, it looks like even KFC is crumbling to the pressures of all those health nuts out there. Coming up soon at your friendly neighborhood KFC, Kentucky Fried Chicken staff will soon be (gulp) grilling chicken. What? No more thick, crusty, crunchy batter covering that chicken? No more grease dripping off a chicken leg, landing […]