Tag Archives: Hand Made Gifts

Fun Ways for Women to Make Extra Money

If I were to say that the economy is weak right now, I would be grossly understating the truth. In some states, unemployment has risen to double digit percentages, banks are failing, and our once thriving automotive industry is flailing. It’s only natural to feel anxious about the economy, and want to make extra money. […]

How to Knit Cheaper: Sale Yarn, Ebay and Other Ways!

Knitting has become a popular activity with some celebrities (Julia Roberts!) and with young people because of its calming qualities (at least when things are going well). It is not difficult to learn and give many rewards such as handmade gifts, unique and splendid clothes and for those who are more adventurous, the ability to […]

Kid’s Crafts: Jewelry Making

A jewelry party can be a fun family activity that allows kids to express themselves through their creations. Decorating is a great hobby for kids because it allows them to “show off” and also have handmade gifts to give to their loved ones and friends. It also has many educational benefits. (Shhhhh! Keep this one […]