Tag Archives: Hatching

Hatching Eggs in an Incubator: Be the Mother Hen to Your Baby Chicks!

Hatching eggs successfully in an incubator takes a little knowledge and preparation. Eggs need the right amount of heat, humidity, turning, and a little luck. Before you even break your egg incubator. A small incubator incubator is bought at local stores, hardware stores, or even online. They can hatch anywhere from 3 to 48 chicken […]

The Guinea Fowl Online Guide

American’s call them Guinea fowl, the French call them Pintade and the Italians call them Faraone. They originally came from the coast of Western Africa. Guinea fowl have been documented in Egyptian history as far back as 2400 BC. Today, Guinea fowl are kept as pets, or as free-ranging, insect eating, egg producing livestock. Guinea […]

Basic Elements of Art: Dots and Lines

Every painting, drawing, or photograph is a collection of dots and lines. Lines and dots are the building blocks of art. Dots may be big, small, thick, or thin. Lines may be straight, curved, zigzagged, parallel, weaved, vertical, horizontal, perpendicular, or angular. Lines and dots may be connected, or unconnected. Look around you. Look at […]

How to Hatch Your Own Chicks from Eggs

Whether you are a teacher looking for an enthralling science experiment for your classroom, or a parent wishing to show your children the magic of life, or just a hobbyist who wants to have some fun, hatching chickens from chicken eggs is a great experience. It is also relatively easy, thanks to an influx of […]

Profitable Small, Backyard Chicken Flocks

Many of those who undertake raising backyard chickens find that they spend more on eggs and meat than they would from the grocery store even if the costs of the backyard chicken flocks are included. Depending on where you live, however, this is not necessary. A small flock of backyard chickens can not only pay […]