Tag Archives: Healthy Liver

Foods that Can Cause Gallstones

Stones are formed when the bile produced by the liver contains too much cholesterol or salts that cause the bile to harden. Cholesterol is stored in the pancreas and bladder, and is later secreted into the small intestine, where it aids in the digestion of fats. There are many causes of gall formation, but the […]

Liver Disease: Common Symptoms

Liver disease has many different causes, but the symptoms can be vague and often undetectable until liver disease has caused significant damage. This is why doctors recommend having regular tests performed on the liver to make sure that everything is healthy. Liver disease can be a tricky illness because it shares symtoms with several other […]

Liver Cancer: Killing the Majority of Victims Within a Year

Cancer affects millions of people in the country and around the world. A cancer diagnosis is frightening for the patient and family members. But a cancer diagnosis does not automatically mean death. True, cancer takes the lives of many. However, it must be remembered that millions of people are also winning the battle. There are […]

Eat Your Way to Good Health, One Mouthful at a Time

According to Dr. Sandra Cabot’s book, The Liver Cleansing Diet, a healthy liver is required in order to metabolize food properly, and cleanse your body of toxins, bacteria and chemicals. As if that weren’t enough work, it is the main fat burning organ of the body! Dr. Cabot lists some of the symptoms of liver […]

Appetite Stimulants for Babies

Children’s eating habits vary greatly for a variety of reasons. Some people are simply clueless when it comes to eating, while others will eat anything and everything on their plates. On the other hand, babies who are chronically hungry need help to get the nutrients they need to grow and flourish. In these cases, parents […]

Omentum: Everything You Should Know About this Stomach Organ

Not too long ago, I saw Dr. Oz on Oprah describing the one organ that absorbs fat and dictates whether we are larger in size or small. Dr. Oz proceeded to take this disgusting organ, yellow in color and bulky in texture, right out on Oprah’s stage. I am not easily disgusted, but when I […]

The Liver Detox Diet

The world is full of pollution today, and we take in pollutants in the food we eat, the water we drink, the very air we breathe. All of this is hardest on our liver, because the liver is the organ that must filter toxins from our blood. The liver is burdened, and this accumulates toxins […]