Tag Archives: Hearing Problems

Craniofacial Deformities: Apert Syndrome

So what exactly is Apert Syndrome? Babies born with Apert Syndrome (Also known as Alpert’s Syndrome) have abnormal head shapes, webbed feet and toes, bulging eyes, and a sunken appearance in the middle of the face. An abnormal shape of the head occurs because some of the bones of the skull fuse prematurely. This premature […]

Does Ear Candling Work?

For years, I have been a vocal advocate of evidence-based holistic health. I’ve spent much of my career glued to a glowing screen, learning about the safety, efficacy, and contraindications associated with specific practices within alternative medicine. Over the years, I’ve butted heads with my colleagues in the field, many of whom promote practices that […]

Why Does Down’s Syndrome Occur?

Down’s syndrome is a genetic condition that happens because of the presence of an extra chromosome. It was first described in 1886 and is not classed as a disease as children do not suffer from Down’s syndrome. Although children with Down’s syndrome will have specific physical characteristics there are more differences than similarities amongst children […]

So Your Baby Failed the Hearing Test? Don’t Panic, Get a Follow-Up!

As a newborn hearing screener, I occasionally have to give parents the news that their baby didn’t pass. However, I’m always careful to reassure them that this isn’t a cause for panic. There are a number of factors which can cause a newborn to fail the initial hearing screening. There might be a simple explanation. […]