Tag Archives: Historian

Machiavelli’s Influence on History

‘- What happens without the other, we cannot attribute to luck or virtue. Nicolaus Machiavelli In The Prince, Machiavelli wrote, “It is not hidden from me how many have been and think that worldly affairs are so managed by fortune and by God that men cannot change their own providence.” Perhaps the most famous book […]

Livy as an Historian

The Mission of Livy’s History Titus Livius (59 BC-17 AD), or Livy as he is commonly called, was a Roman historian during the years Augustus was building the Roman Empire. Livy wrote a massive 142 book history of Rome called Ab Urbe Condita (From the Founding of the City) which covered all of Roman history […]

Top 5 Best Historians Today

Unitarian minister, poet, writer and lecturer Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote in his Essays, First Series, “Man is explicable by nothing less than all his history.” Certainly, this is true as history reveals itself from the individual trying to make sense of the world and finding the truth within it. History is the account of […]