Tag Archives: Horse Riding

Charley Horse: A Colloquial Name for Nocturnal Leg Spasms

Previously published on Factoidz.com Many diseases and disorders that we suffer from are often given colloquial names, even before the medical community takes the time to research and name these conditions. The term Charley (also spelled Charlie) horse is one such term popularly used in the United States to denote distinctions painful and spasms of […]

Basics of Shaolin Kung Fu Part 1: Stances

The fundamentals of any martial art, especially Shaolin kung fu, lie in the stances. Every movement, strike and block leads into its own stance. Practicing these stances can be a workout all on its own, such as the Horse-Riding stance for leg strength and stability. This upcoming series of articles is designed to teach some […]

Tips for Keeping Your Horse Cool in the Trailer

It will add heat to both the horse and the horse’s owner from extra stress. There are several simple tips you can consider when vacationing with your horses this summer! A successful trailering experience can lead to many great vacations in the future! The first tip is to leave early in the morning to get […]