Tag Archives: Human Papillomavirus

WARNING: HPV Vaccine (Gardasil) is Unnecessary and Unscientific!

Merck & The group is lobbying to make “immunization” against cervical cancer possible for both boys and girls 11 to 12 years old. Remember that this form of cervical cancer can only be contracted sexually. If it passes, this will surely result in billions in sales for the pharmaceutical leader. A few months ago, very […]

Should I Get the Gardasil Vaccine?

A vaccine called Gardasil has been becoming commonplace these past few years. You may have seen its commercials, asking you to be “One Less” victim to cervical cancer. The Gardasil vaccine has been said to protect against certain forms of the human papillomavirus, or HPV, which causes approximately 70% of all cervical cancer cases. Gardasil […]

The Health Risks of Rainbow Parties

At some point, most teenagers will be asked to attend a rainbow party. This is not a party where the theme of the decorations is rainbow. Rainbow parties can be potentially dangerous to teenagers who take part in them. Here are some of the things that both teens and parents should know about rainbow parties. […]

Aldara Topical Cream: FDA Approved Drug to Combat Genital Warts Associated with HPV

As healthcare initiatives are pushing for the prevention of HPV in women, the fact remains that millions of women are suffering with the effects of HPV each day. As a virus that can lead to cervical cancer in women, HPV is commonly first diagnosed in women who suffer from genital warts or obtain the results […]

What’s the Best Genital Wart Treatment for You?

There are almost as many types of home remedies, including calculus and medical and surgical treatments, subscribed to by many people who have various types of warts. For common warts and similar, you can use medicines and home remedies to remove them. On the other hand, genital warts require more focus. Treatment for genital warts […]