Tag Archives: Keeshond

20 of the Best Dog Breeds for Homes with Small Children – Part Two

In my favorite article 20 Best Dog Breeds for Homes With Small Children many people are interested in reading what I have to say. With all of that convenience I decided to expand my original album. This is another link with more dog information to come. If you have a family that includes young children, […]

PetSmart’s Pet Grooming – a Review

People should be wary of visiting shiny places they’ve never been before, especially if someone doesn’t know anyone else who’s been to a specific place. For insurance reasons, customers are not allowed in the back of these areas. However, the rule is understood, you give your little animal to strangers. And this can be dangerous. […]

Fur Everywhere! – How to Deal with Your Shedding Dog

Most dogs shed as a normal part of their hair growth cycle, but when it gets dry, the fur really starts to come out. In spring and summer they shed coats and become lighter for warmer weather. Surprisingly, many dogs also shed during a period in the autumn which prepares the skin for a heavier […]

Facts About the Keeshond

Background: Keeshonds (pronounced kayz-hawnd) are believed to have originated in arctic areas. Their fascinating history goes back to ancient times. Fossil remains trace the Keeshond back to 5000 BC in the northern tips of the earth. Keeshonds are classified in the Spitz breed, along with the Samoyed, Siberian Husky, Pomeranian and others. Some believe the […]