Tag Archives: Kidney Disease

Kidney Disease and the Immune System

Of all the auto-immune diseases that exist why does one turn into rheumatoid arthritis, one multiple schlerosis or lupus? What makes the body distinguish between the different “kinds” of auto-immune anti-bodies it is going to create in order to attack and torment you? Since I contracted rheumatoid arthritis I have wondered why I contracted RA, […]

Common Signs and Symptoms of Kidney Disease

Kidney disease is a condition that occurs when the kidneys are damaged and lose their ability to keep your body healthy. Your kidneys control your body’s water and certain chemicals in your blood such as sodium, potassium, phosphorus and calcium. The liver releases hormones into the blood that help regulate blood pressure, create red blood […]

Chronic Kidney Disease in the Elderly

Elsie Ward of Willard (not her real name), Ohio was 82 when she began to develop certain symptoms. She was often tired. Her ankles were swollen and she lost her appetite. She had to urinate frequently, especially during the night. It interrupted her sleep. She had frequent headaches. If she had to walk very far, […]

Can Kidney Disease Cause Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss (presbycusis) is fairly common among people over the age of 50. Studies have indicated that age and kidney disease are two factors that can influence hearing loss. One study indicated that some degree of hearing loss was associated with 54 percent of people with moderate kidney disease. Of that 54 percent, 30 percent […]

Diet and Nutrition for Kidney Disease

Kidney disease is a condition that occurs when the kidneys are damaged and lose their ability to keep your body healthy. When your kidneys aren’t working right, waste builds up in your body and makes you sick. There are things you can do to slow or stop damage to your kidneys, including changes in your […]

Kidney Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The most important thing to remember about Kidney Disease is that your kidneys are not solitary organs. When your kidneys are harmed or begin to malfunction, other organs are severely affected, which is what makes Kidney Disease so dangerous. They kidneys themselves perform a vital function – removing wastes and toxins from the body via […]

Take Early Kidney Disease Very Seriously

There is a difference between “chronic” diseases and diseases that are fatal. Many diseases that were once a death sentence like diabetes and HIV/AIDS, are now controllable with the proper medications. Even the two big killers, heart disease and cancer, can be controlled in some cases. But some chronic diseases can kill you just as […]

Symptoms of Kidney Disease

Kidneys are essential organs that filter the body fluids and clean waste from the system. Chronic kidney failure is the gradual loss of the filtering ability of the kidneys. When kidney function is impaired, fluid and waste can accumulate in the body. There may not be many symptoms in the early stages of kidney disease, […]

Ten Foods that Affect Your Kidneys

The kidneys aren’t an organ most of us think of very often, especially not when it comes to diet. The heart is a much more likely target for dietary considerations. However, what you eat can have an affect. Avocados: While the heart healthy monounsaturated fat of avocados might be healthy for your kidneys, the amount […]

An Overview of Parenchymal Renal Disease

Renal refers to the kidneys and there are basically two sub types of renal medical conditions, vascular and parenchymal. Vascular refers to medical conditions that involve the blood vessels and parenchymal refers to medical conditions involving the tissue, therefore renal parenchymal disease refers to diseases that involve the kidney tissue. There can be parenchymal disease […]