Tag Archives: Kinesthetic

Tips for Kinesthetic, Visual, Auditory and Tactile Learners

Kinesthetic learners need to move and use the body. They are usually good at sports and acting, and cannot sit still for long. They are the ones who will move their arms while talking. These children are characterized as hyperactive, when in fact they are motivated to process and retain information. Many of these children […]

How to Teach the Four Learning Styles

There are four basic styles of learners. They are visual, auditory, tactile, and kinesthetic. Each style of learner needs different strategies in order to learn effectively. Writing a lesson plan for all learner types takes a bit of time and practice. By teaching to all four styles, students will learn better as every style is […]

How to Determine Learning Style

Whether you homeschool or not, it’s useful to know how your child learns best. Sometimes it is equally helpful to know your particular learning style too, to understand how your child’s learning style and yours mesh—or clash. My daughter and I share the Read/Write learning style, but it sure opened my eyes when I found […]

Four Art Disciplines

Every young student in America should know the four art disciplines; dance, music, theater, and visual arts. These four art disciplines are as important as math, science, english, history, civics, government, geography, and foreign language. In the following essay I will discuss each of the four art disciplines and describe how they should be taught. […]

Five Creative Classroom Review Games

When I was teaching my Special Education Classroom, I created several lesson review games that kept my children’s interest. I had an EMH or educable mentally handicapped class. These children were from 55 to 75 IQ range. These children responded well to either tactile or kinesthetic learning. Tactile is of course where you use your […]

PowerPoints: For Students or for Teachers

Today, numerous courses at undergrad level utilize PowerPoint slides. The usual style of teaching is that the students print off the slides prior to the class, read the corresponding pages in the textbook, and attend lecture to hear the professor discussing the PowerPoint slides in the order they are presented. To a certain degree, PowerPoint […]

Changes in Washington State Teaching Certification Requirements

Educational standards have been a hot topic in recent years. Too many teenagers are graduating from high school without having learned basic skills like reading, writing, and math. In order to address this problem, schools, school districts, states, and even the federal government have upped educational standards. Following this trend, Washington state has raised the […]

Use of Piaget’s Theories in the Classroom

Piaget’s learning theory is based on stages that children go through in order to learn. In each stage, the learning process is different and a little more complex. Piaget believed that children should play, experiment and reason in order to learn. He believed that humans couldn’t be given information that they immediately understand. Humans have […]