Tag Archives: Knee Pain

How to Exercise with Knee Pain

Full blown workouts can be great way to lose weight, increase your heart rate and provide you with an overall fit appearance. A dedicated weekly workout regimen will do wonders for your self esteem and give you new found energy. The toughest part to commencing any serious workout plan is getting motivated. Another posing challenge […]

Simple Exercises to Relieve Knee Pain

Statistics show that in the past few years, more and more Americans have enrolled or were interested in joining a local gym. So much TV advertising is devoted to convince people to buy some machine to help them stay fit. With this exercise madness on the rise, more people have found themselves in pain, consulting […]

Osgood Slaughter Disease: Growing Pains in the Knees

Many years ago when my daughter was about 12, and was growing quite tall, she began to complain of knee pain. She was a very active athlete and played basketball, volleyball and softball. She had been a pitcher for several years and the pain began one summer during fastpitch softball. At a trip to see […]

Life After Thyroid Surgery

You might think that a little stress can’t hurt much, but that’s where you’re wrong. You come out feeling numb and this is because your parathyroid glands were injured when they moved them around so they could cut out your thyroid. Then you have to keep your neck covered for 24 hours while the moisture […]

Does Glucosamine Stop Joint Pain?

One night when I got out of bed my left knee sprained at an awkward angle. It didn’t really hurt, but I heard a distinct “pop” when it happened. I looked around more carefully for a few minutes, but nothing seemed out of place. By time I went to bed I forgot all about the […]

Physical Therapy for PFS, Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Patellofemoral pain syndrome is a common, high incidence diagnosis give to individuals from teenage to adults to explain anterior knee pain. The treatment for this condition varies from conservative to surgical and offer variable results. However, one of the most beneficial treatments involves physical therapy. PFS is a condition you may now have been diagnosed […]

Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis of the Knee

Living with osteoarthritic (OA) knee pain can limit your mobility and keep you from doing many of the things you enjoy. Lifestyle choices are often the only things that need to be addressed for treating and managing OA knee pain. Exercise can help stretch and strengthen the knees, hips and leg muscles, improve balance and […]