Tag Archives: Kohlberg

Forgotten Contributions – Women in Psychology

In the history of the study of psychology, one may wonder, where are the women? Have they been left out of the history of psychology because they do not contribute to it or for other reasons? However, the paucity of women in teaching psychology does not represent women’s contributions to the field. Bohan (1995) states, […]

Personal Position – the Ethics Paper

Developing a personal ethics statement is important to educators, health fields, and even for management staff. In order to develop an exceptional ethics position, it is essential to read what others say in their personal statements, but even more important to understand how you really feel. Examine the differences in your ethical opinions, based on […]

The History of Modern Psychology

Psychology is the scientific study of mental processes and human behavior. Modern psychology is a transformation that has brought curiosity about mental processes and human discourse into the field of scientific development. Wilhelm Wundt established the first formal laboratory devoted specifically to the study of experimental psychology. Wundt wanted to understand the basic senses, perceptions […]

Physical and Social Development of Adolescents

From both cultural and sociological perspective, adolescence period is considered as a transitional standardized human developmental phase, which is crucially important to every human identity and society as a whole. According to WHO1, the adolescence period is defined within the time period of 10 years to 19 years (Goodburn & Rose, 1995). During this period […]

Kohlberg’s Psychology in Fight Club

Chuck Palahniuk’s violent novel, Fight Club is full of anti-consumerist ideas, patriarchal values and bloody gore. David Fincher, the director of the movie, thought 1999 would be a perfect time to throw the same values onto the big screen. The violent characters caused controversy and sparked a cult-like following. However by the end of both […]

Life Span Development

Life span development is complex and versatile. Studying different theories of development can help us understand life processes better and piece together the puzzle of our lives. There are numerous theories that explain life stages, but no single theory can account for all aspects of development. The best way to understand these theories is to […]