Tag Archives: Lipitor

Lipitor and Memory Loss – Can This Drug Cause Amnesia?

In 2003 I took Lipitor to lower my cholesterol. 40 Only, I experienced “major moments” every day, where I wanted to speak, and suddenly you would stop and search for a word. The article on “Smart Money” shows a possible connection. Regarding the reports on Lipitor and the memory of the article’s discussion of the […]

How is Lipitor Administered and is it Safe for Children?

Lipitor, known by the generic name Atorvastatin, is prescribed to patients to lower their triglycerides and cholesterol. We have two types of cholesterol which are LDL (bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol). LDL stands for low density lipoproteins and HDL stands for high density lipoproteins. LDL is what increases our risk of heart attack. Lipitor […]

Five Easy Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol

Being only 28 years old, it never crossed my mind that I would be at risk for heart disease. A week after a routine physical, I was startled by a message from my doctor’s office. “Donna, it’s so-and-so from the doctor’s office. Please give us a call back. It’s about your cholesterol level.” When I […]

Lipitor Side Effects: My Rare-but-Serious Muscle-Related Side Effects

Judging by my doctor’s look, the good cholesterol was good, but the bad cholesterol was starting to become a problem. OK, so I enjoy the occasional burger and fries, but by and large, I do not eat red meat and stick to veggie burgers and fish. Nonetheless, the genes have gotten the better of me, […]

Negative Effects of Cholesterol Medication

If you’ve been looking for medicines that can help you reduce your cholesterol level, the search may not be as easy as you think. While it should be fairly easy to find cholesterol medications, there are several side effects that you may experience if you don’t consult with your doctor first. And sometimes, even a […]

Lipitor Side Effects: My Family’s Experience

Four of us in our family took Lipitor for different lengths of time. We all had some side effects that were disturbing. Mother and I had muscle aches and muscle fatigue. Mother and my brother are diabetic. While they were on Lipitor they found it was more difficult to manage their sugar to insulin balance. […]

Treatment for High Cholesterol: Lipitor Vs. Zocor

Knowing that your cholesterol level is high, putting you at risk of heart attack, can be quite difficult to deal with. Cholesterol’s plaque-like structure in blood vessels blocks the flow of blood around your body and to your heart, causing heart muscle damage. This is known medically as a myocardial infarction, and commonly as a […]

How Lipitor Almost Did Me in: Medication Meant to Heal Can Do Just the Opposite

Pharmaceutical companies conveniently gloss over side effect issues when promoting, especially on TV, the drugs [read drugs] they manufacture. The TV show will show you happy couples, smiling and delighted at the results they have achieved by taking the drug in question. He explains the benefits in a friendly voice, always reminding you to ask […]