Tag Archives: Lower High Blood Pressure

The Healing Properties of Vitamin E: Hearty Goodness for the Heart

Protection for the heart is one of the most important duties of Vitamin E. It wasn’t until a bunch of cows dropped dead from removal of E from their feed that an experimental agricultural station in Minnesota found out the severity of the absence of Vitamin E in the diet. The heart was prone to […]

Healthy Eating Recipes and Habits to Lower High Blood Pressure

The human diet is amazing. Many people underestimate the power that healthy food choices can have on a wide range of physical conditions including: being overweight, insomnia, acid reflux and high blood pressure. While some people know that diet can lower high blood pressure, they lack the proper knowledge of how to make food choices […]

The Power of Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice has become all the rage when it comes to drinking a juice for health benefits. And, pomegranate juice has many health benefits, with more continuing to surface all of the time. Pomegranate juice is produced by squeezing in the pulpy fruit that surrounds the pomegranate seeds. Many companies have jumped on the pomegranate […]

Lower Blood Pressure Through Diet: Recipes and More Tips

With a staggering one in three American adults affected by high blood pressure (according to the American Heart Association), it’s no surprise that May has been designated National High Blood Pressure Education Month. While medication is often needed to keep hypertension in check, it’s also possible to lower blood pressure by altering your diet. The […]

The Health Benefits of Ginseng Tea

Is it surprising that, after water, tea is the #1 beverage that’s consumed around the globe? Whether it’s drunk hot or cold, there’s no “wrong” time to drink tea. It can wake you up in the morning, settle your tummy after lunchtime, give you a “pick-me-up” in the afternoon and relax you so you sleep […]

Natural Ways to Lower High Blood Pressure

If you’re someone with family heritage that includes high blood pressure, and you find yourself now experiencing it yourself, you can look to a few different natural ways to control high blood pressure. Maybe your not in need of a pharmaceutical yet to help control it, and if that’s the case lucky you! You have […]

How to Avoid Hypertension and High Blood Pressure

American lifestyles lead to high blood pressure and hypertension. High blood pressure and hypertension can get worse as people age. This disease has almost half of the elderly in America with hypertension. Hypertension itself makes you five times more likely to have a stroke, three times more likely to have a heart attack, and at […]