Tag Archives: Major Depression

5 Facts About Teen Depression

In the past, depression was thought to be the “ËŔ of the Blues, which primarily affected women. Since then, society’s understanding of mental illness has changed, and it is now known that different clinical aspects of depression affect everyone. segments of the population, including adolescents. 1. Approximately 20 percent of adolescents suffer from depression. According […]

Defining the Different Kinds of Depression

Depression is not a state of mind. Depression is a disease. Many people are finally realizing this fact. But do you also realize that there are different kinds of depression? The causes of any type of depression can be similar. Most depression are caused by an interference with the chemical messengers in our brains. These […]

Living with Dysthymia

For six years I lived with depression without any diagnosis or treatment. I believed that the way I felt was normal. Each morning I struggled to force myself out of bed; some days I was unable to get up to attend classes, work, and other obligations. Untreated depression had a detrimental impact on my life. […]