Tag Archives: Makeup Application

Review of Makeup Forever HD Microperfecting Primer

My girlfriend had been raving and raving about the Makeup Forever makeup collection, and I was easily swayed by the others and placed an order on Sephora.com. With my foundation order I could choose up to 3 freebie gifts included in my purchase. I was glad I didn’t pay full price for the tube of […]

How to Apply Makeup for Beginners

Makeup application can cause the inexperienced makeup lover serious anxiety, but honestly applying makeup is not a mystery. Makeup, like your wardrobe and jewelry selections, is a personal expression of style. Beside a few major sticking points, you really cannot get it wrong. For convenience sake, learning how to apply makeup is important because who […]

Permanent Makeup Removal: What Are Your Options?

Permanent makeup application is becoming more popular with women using this method to enhance particular facial features and save time on application on a daily basis. Women choose to have their eyelids permanently lined and their lips lined with permanent color. Other women choose to apply permanent purple to their knees. Although most women are […]

How to Apply Makeup for Photos and Video: 8 Makeup Application Tips for the Camera

Looking good on camera doesn’t require a makeup artist, but professional makeup tips help. Even if you prefer a natural look, the camera tends to exaggerate flaws and create artificial ones. Who needs that? Whether it’s a dating profile, a family photo or a video production, these camera-friendly makeup tips focus on makeup application that […]

Best Online Videos on How to Apply Makeup like the Pros

Until the days of the Internet, there were very few sources from which a woman could learn to do her own makeup like the pros. A woman was limited to: 1) demonstrations at the makeup counter, which aren’t very helpful because you can’t watch the professionals apply the makeup to your own face; 2) tips […]

Look Younger with the Right Makeup Application

Most of my friends would frown and frown if they looked older than they were. I want to be honest too. And while I do not consider myself old in any way, I admit that I cling more closely to everything that makes me young. It’s one of those things that football is all about. […]