Tag Archives: Masons

My Dad a Shriner and a Mason

My father was a Mason and then a Shriner and took part in many rituals, parades and other events. Masons and Shriners are exceptional people, if you are unfamiliar with those organizations then please visit Shriners International. There you can learn their rich history. Born with clubfoot, I learned very early how the Shriners and […]

Tools a “Handyman” Should Have!

Being a handyman myself, I have collected several tools to work with over the years, from raw tools to portable boards to portable cords, cord drivers, and much more. Here is a basic list of the tools I collected. And, quite frankly, I don’t want to be without more, now that I have them available […]

What’s Going on at the New Denver Airport?

I understand that when most people hear about the “enlightened” and the Masonic connection, they chalk it up as just another conspiracy theory. “The Da Vinci Code” grew out of his most futile theories. After all, in this day and age, a secret society planning a “one World Order” seems very remote. and not a […]

Moolah Theater in St. Louis: One of the Last Single Screen Picture Shows

The Shriners are those guys in the funny flowerpot hats that put on the circus every year at Busch Stadium. They also have big conventions and run hospitals for “crippled” children and children who have suffered the horrible tragedy of being severely burned. The Shriner’s history is rooted in Freemasonry. As a matter of fact, […]

The Truth About Freemasonry and Masons

Members of the order of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons are generally referred to as “Freemasons” or simply as “Masons.” Although this fraternal order has existed for centuries, interest in Freemasonry was sparked by Dan Brown’s novel Angels and Demons which was written before The Da Vinci Code. Rumors about the Masons have always been […]