Tag Archives: Meiosis

Major Organelles of Eukaryotic Cells

Eukaryotic cells are found in every domain with the exception of the Bacteria and Archea domain. Eukaryotic cells differ from prokaryotic cells in two major ways; size, and the presence of a membrane surrounding the nucleus, and other organelles. Because eukaryotic cells are so much larger than prokaryotic cells (roughly ten times larger) it becomes […]

Poetry Analysis: Robert Frost’s “Out,Out”

The poem “Out, Out-” by Robert Frost was first published in 1916 in The Mountain Interval . The poem is “apparently based on a true story of a boy’s death whilst working in New England.” The boy in question is Raymond Fitzgerald who died in 1915. He passed away due to heart failure as he […]

Plumeria Care ‘” Plumeria Rust

The plumeria, those beautiful exotic tropical flowers also known as frangipani, is grown worldwide. To maintain this plant’s overall beauty requires the gardener to provide tender loving care not only to the flowers, but also to the leaves. The gardener needs to know of potential problems that can develop as well as how to correct […]

Muscles Cells – Why They Cannot Divide

Most people know that living organisms increase in size through cell division. Cell division is a term referred to how cells in the body are constantly involved in a series of replication and divisions of the existing cells to make new cells because cells, like organisms, do not live forever. The old cells are replaced […]