Tag Archives: Mexican American

Clothing Style – Effect on Social and Cultural Identity

The effect of clothing style on cultural and social identity in the youth of America has had an impact on many different levels of the social ladder. The choice of clothing that we wear does provide a visual of our identity, but this visual is not always concrete. The negative opinions that some clothing styles […]

Hispanic Culture with America

In today’s society, the United States is comprised of a mixture of Hispanic cultures. Many of these Hispanic cultures share like beliefs, but some also have different values and traditions. The traditions of each of these cultures usually migrate with each Hispanic group, and whether they retain a value to that culture is up to […]

Famous Mexican American Women: Graciela Olivarez

One Mexican American woman often forgotten in history is Graciela Olivarez. Olivarez fought for the civil rights of minorities and economic justice for the poor. As an activist, lawyer, and public servant, she was one of the premier defenders of the Mexican American people of the Southwest in the 1960s and 1970s. Born March 9, […]

Presidential Power: James Polk, Manifest Destiny,and the Mexican- American War

James Polk was seemly unambitious for a man who served in so many public offices. At the onset of the War of 1812, Polk was recovering from an operation for bladder stones. He endured the operation awake with the aid of a few bolstering shots of brandy. He became a lawyer whose first case was […]

The Significance of the Mexican-American War

The significance of the United States winning the Mexican War became a major accomplishment in the expansion of the country. The land gained by the United States enlarged the nation by about one-third. After the war, Mexico signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, in which the Rio Grande became the Texas border and the Mexican […]

About Gary Soto’s When Mexicans Begin Jogging

The Mexican and the American Dream: Gary Soto’s “When Mexicans Begin Jogging”   When readers get their first taste of Gary Soto’s poetry they must savor its authentic seasoning of ethnic spice– Soto’s Mexican voice is distinctly clear. In “Mexicans Begin Jogging” the audience is treated to a wide range of flavorful vehicles of comedy […]

The Chicano Movement

The 1960’s was a tumultuous decade in American history, fraught with conflicts over issues from Civil Rights to the war in Vietnam. The Chicano Movement, which was in full effect in the 60’s, was one of the least studied social movements. Issues varied from restoration of land grants, to farm workers rights, better wages, enhanced […]

Hispanic American Diversity

Hispanic Americans have become very prevalent in American society for some time now. Mexican culture has made an impact in a variety of different areas and economies. The language barrier has been the largest setback for Mexican-Americans until the last couple of decades. At first, it was very difficult for Mexicans to succeed in American […]

An American’s Guide to Understanding the Difference Between Hispanic, Chicano, and Latino

The term Hispanic is based upon the Spanish word hispano, which literally means Spanish or Hispanic. Some Latin American descendents do not like to be referred to as Hispanic because of its English-inspired “-ic” ending. Others say that this matter is insignificant, arguing that when the majority language spoken is English, then the “-ic” suffix […]

Hispanics in America: Culture and Mexicans, Cubans, Venezuelans

Analyzing Hispanic groups in America is a long and informative journey. Hispanics are not just one culture of people; they are a multitude of different cultures with different political views, customs, religious, familial, and other conventions that make each group unique and at times similar to the others. In this paper the author will introduce […]