Tag Archives: Middle Ages

Gothic Cathedrals of the Middle Ages

The middle Ages were a difficult, even brutal time for the common person to live. Life was short, often painful, and required backbreaking labor for survival. The feudal system was thriving at the time and many people labored mightily for barely enough sustenance to prevent starvation. Disease was rampant and often fatal, with diseases such […]

Feudalism in Europe During the Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages four separate and distinct castes emerged from the institution of social feudalism. These are: noble clerics, peasants and burghers or townspeople. The most powerful classes were the nobles and the clergy, but the citizens (mostly merchants and artisans) saw their numbers and power increase significantly at that time. Most of them, […]

Governments Throughout the Middle Ages

The Middle Ages were rife with civilisation, war and rebellion. Feudalism was the main form of government present in these centuries. However, both the Church and the monarchy played an important role in the events of both the Middle Ages and the Middle Ages. Therefore, my opinion is that ancient Egypt had the greatest influence […]

Middle Ages, the Age of Faith

The Middle Ages could be described as many different ages from the Dark Ages to the Golden Age. It could also be known as the Age of Faith and the Age of Feudalism. Although everyone believed differently, what they think is called the Middle Age, I believe the Age. faith because religion played a greater […]

China in the Middle Ages: History for Kids

Do you want to understand China in the Middle Ages? Kids history ideas are excellent ways to learn about Chinese history. A period of economic decline and turmoil marked the beginning of the Middle Ages, but China would not remain in corruption for long. By the time China was halfway through the Middle Ages, they […]

Benefits and Uses of Medicinal Plants

Herbs and plants have been a large part of the ingredients used by humans for centuries to help fight disease and illness. Many of these medicinal plants are used throughout the world today. Take a peek at the types of plants that are said to be beneficial for various health reasons. Since before the Middle […]