Tag Archives: Mullein

Review: Zand Menthol Mint Herbal Lozenges

Some of my favorite herbal mint lozenges to relieve sinus pain and sore throat with a cold are Zand Menthol Mint Herbal Lozenges. They are filled with natural nutrients that not only soothe a sore throat and relieve sinus pain, but also give your immune system a boost to help fight a cold, which is […]

Home Remedies for Your Dog’s Cold

Dogs do get colds, and even the flu. The main cause for a dog’s ailments is “kennel cough”, which is highly contagious amongst dogs that have not been vaccinated with the Bordatella vaccine. After taking your dog to the vet for their coughing (10 days or more) low fever, runny nose (often with yellow discharge), […]

Natural Remedies for Treating Ear Infections

Otis Media is the term used for an ear infection. Ear infections are characterized by the swelling of the Eustachian tube. It can be accompanied by a fever, sore throat, runny nose, coughs, sinusitis and respiratory problems. Usually antibiotics are prescribed but there are other ways to treat ear infections on your own. Some common […]

Mullein Oil for Ear Infections

Ear and ear infections are miserable, and the sooner they can be relieved, the better. While antibiotics are typical, they are not the only option. For those of us looking to avoid antibiotics, oral oil is a time-tested remedy for ear infections. Verbena is a tall, erect-stemmed plant that grows wild in most parts of […]

Herbs for Anemia

Anemia is a lack of red blood cells or more specifically hemoglobin in red blood cells. Hemoglobin is an oxygen-carrying protein found in the blood. Anemia is caused by either a lack of production or rapid destruction of red blood. While if she is pregnant, on any prescribed medication, or if she has an old […]

Natural Treatments for Ear Infections

My son had chronic ear infections when he was a baby. He’d get over one ear infection, and develop another a few weeks later. We were pumping round after round of antibiotics into his little system with no relief. The doctor was talking about surgery to put tubes in his ears. We were not excited […]

Treat and Ease Earaches Naturally

Earaches can be caused by many things, such as infections or allergies, or even toothaches, which can cause earaches. And although earaches are more common in babies and children, adults can still suffer from earaches. There are natural remediesremedies that can help to cure earaches permanently. Garlic is the first. A dose of garlic oil […]